Sick Meals

Use campus funds (Discount Dollars, Munch Money and Podium) or a credit/debit card to order to-go food from on-campus retail dining locations through the GET Food and CBORD Mobile ID apps.  
If you have a meal plan and need to pick up to-go meals from the State or Indigenous Quad dining halls, please submit the Sick Meal Letter Request Form to obtain an authorization letter. 
Students who receive a Sick Meals authorization letter should follow the instructions below when arriving at a Quad (State or Indigenous) dining room:
  • Show the authorization received from Residence Life to the cashier with their UAlbany ID Card or Mobile ID (must include photo)
  • Sign the Sick Meals To-Go log
  • Swipe their UAlbany ID Card or Mobile ID
  • Receive appropriate to-go containers
Students picking up sick meals must wear a tight-fitting mask while in the dining facility. 
To-go food or beverage may NOT be consumed while in the quad dining room.
Sick meal take-aways contain:
  • One entrée or sandwich
  • One side dish
  • One beverage
  • Dessert